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How to Increase The Conversion Rate on your Dropshipping Store

Want to increase conversion rate of your dropshipping store? Every dropshipper would welcome a high conversion rate to his dropshipping store. Get to know the secret tips.

Want to increase conversion rate on your dropshipping store? Every dropshipper would welcome a high conversion rate to his dropshipping store. After all, it is the ultimate goal of every dropshipper.

Increased conversion rate = Increased sales = Increased Profits

The tips given below can be followed to generate a high conversion rate on your dropshipping store:

1. Use magnetic images:

The visuals always tend to pose a better impact on the visitors in the comparison of text. The images used by you should be so appealing that they immediately catch the attention of the viewer. Use such eye-popping images that the visitors to your site become buyers. Images are really powerful when it comes to boosting the conversion rate. There a number of ways you can use to make your images really catchy like:

  • Use high quality images.
  • Give options to your customers to zoom and rotate the images. Everybody likes the closer, real view.
  • Place your image on a white background to make it more tempting.
  • Using human images wherever possible is better as it creates a better connection.
  • Number of tools and filters may be used to create better images.

2. Detailed product description:

A survey proves that providing an appropriate description of your product can increase conversion rate on your dropshipping store multiple times. With a perfect product description that includes everything regarding the product quality, prices, reviews etc., it is really possible to decrease the anxiety of visitors who may become potential buyers. Here are some ways you may use to create a description that will increase conversion rates:

  • Using emotional language for descriptions and striking your visitor’s psychology.
  • Focus on the product as well as the user in your description. The user is equally important there. Like you are talking about a tea maker. Its equally important to talk about the one who is going to use it.
  • Use descriptive words. Words must be suitable to your products. Using ‘blush’ for a beauty cream or ‘high volume’ for a hairspray is perfect.
  • Don’t just tell what the product does. Instead, tell what the product does for the user.

3. Insert product-related videos:

Its not only the use of videos that matters to increase conversion rates but the best use of videos that matters in this competitive world. The Forrester Report  proves the notion to be true that ‘a video is worth 1.8 million words’. Follow some strategies while using the videos to increase conversion rates like:

  • Use videos for the products that actually need them.
  • The videos must resonate with your goals.
  • Product videos must tell a story or the comfort your product brings.
  • Make use of video thumbnails.
  • Use high quality videos.

4. Free shipping offer:

Red Door added a free shipping technique to NuFACE and their orders increased by 90%. It really works. Customers may abandon your cart if the shipping rates are really high. It happens a lot with all of us. A product appeals to us and we can’t wait to order for it. But, the high shipping charges stop us there itself. We leave the site though we didn’t really want to. Thus, the free shipping technique can be a sure route to increase conversion rates on your dropshipping store. Give it a try and get the amazing results.

5. Add customer reviews and rating:

All of us consider the reviews of the customers while purchasing a product. Don’t we? Research proves that more the reviews of a product, more the conversion rate is. So, you need to make use of customer reviews to increase conversion rate on your dropshipping store. It can be done using following tactics:

  • Display the reviews on your homepage.
  • Use your customer reviews on all your marketing channels.
  • Put your customer reviews on Google.
  • Go for the negative reviews as well. Displaying some negative views as well with the positive ones builds more trust.

6. Make your website more trustworthy:

Increased credibility means to increase conversion rate. Credibility means what you are offering on your dropshipping store to make the users rely on you easily. If the users are able to trust you, rely on you, they will not hesitate to become your potential buyers. To increase your credibility, you must:

  • The design of your site is the first thing affecting your credibility, your originality. A research proves that users just need a few seconds to form an opinion regarding your site using your design.
  • Using a trust seal or logo may be very influential. The users may be relieved of any confusion and make a purchase easily.
  • Offer reliable shopping policies.
  • Let the users use a secure payment gateway.

7. Add multiples payment mode:

Offering many payment options to the users would surely attract them more to your site. A study shows that millions of online store owners are losing customers as they don’t offer multiple payment options. Offering multiple payment options can help to increase conversion rate as:

  • The customers will have suitable alternatives.
  • It will help in the global growth of your business. Specific payment options may not work at a particular place.
  • Multiple payment options make your store more professional and dependable.

8. Giving live support:

Providing your customers with a live chat option will help them feel more reliable. They will have a chance to get answers to their queries coming straight from you. Live chat option is really beneficial as:

  • It helps you build up a long-term relationship with customer.
  • It is an affordable tool.
  • You will get a better customer insight through it.
  • It is an opportunity to make your customers first comfortable and then reliable.

9. Add free trial call to action button:

If it is possible, you can add a free trial button to increase conversion rate on your dropshipping store. A free trial button would help increase your sales probably. We can’t deny the fact. Though it was a doubt earlier you can’t say it now after the test performed by GetResponse, one of the leading email marketing platforms. A free trial button attracts a number of users who can be converted into buyers to enhance the profits of your online store.

10. Give the offers and discounts on your products:

There may be many customers who will always look for ‘discounted products’ or the ‘sale section’. You will have plenty of such customers on your store. Not offering a discount and sale section means letting those customers go without making a purchase. It may not be good for any business. Therefore, in this competitive world, it has become quite necessary to use these discount and sale tactics in order to increase the conversion rate on your dropshipping store.

11. Offer a referral program:

A referral program can do a lot for you if you aim at increasing conversion rate on your dropshipping store. If your friends recommend a new eating place time and again, you will surely give it a visit. A referral program does the same for you. There is so much competition in online marketing. All of us try to find the nearest possible solution or recommendation while making a purchase decision. As your business creates more and more relations, you may use your referral customers to attract more customers to your store. The referral customers would recommend your products to others. Thus, the users will be able to rely more when they hear good about your products from others.

Make the best use of the above-mentioned tips and increase the conversion rate on your dropshipping store.

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