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William Parker
Dropshipping queries
Some useful ideas that you can use for dropshipping clothing from AliExpress. Find the best and top selling products to dropship for your online clothing store and increase sale
Our human brains have an ancestral hunting and gathering instinct hard-wired in it that still continues to exist to this day. We witness these habits at our workplace, shopping for groceries and clothes. Women can be seen spending extra time browsing and examining food like fruits, nuts, and vegetables to check for their quality and freshness which explains the gatherer instinct. Men on the other hand can be seen going the store picking up the things, they have already decided about purchasing, and get back home as soon as they are finished checking out which explains the hunter instinct. In the modern world, the prey to be hunted could be a Large TV, an expensive Gucci Jacket, or a luxury automobile. Men study and gather resources (money) before beginning their hunt. Women with their gatherer instinct focus more on browsing and do a thorough examination of the food or clothes for its quality, patterns, colors, etc and take more time to reach a final decision. Shopping activates our hunting and gathering instinct when we are in the field.
As you have already decided about the niche for your dropshipping business which is “Clothing”. The next question that comes to mind is “How to do it?” You already have the answer which is clear and easy to implement. You will need a store or website where you can sell clothes to both Male and Female audience. AliExpress, an eCommerce giant, has thousands of products that you can choose for your clothing niche. If you are struggling with getting a platform to sell the products that you so eagerly want, I would recommend that you leave the job of setting your store up to us. You can order a pre-built dropshipping store from our website and we will load it with ready to sell products using our WooDropship plugin. If you already own a store then you can move on to the next step which is “Selecting the best clothing products on AliExpress”.
Once you are on the AliExpress website you will notice that the Women’s Clothing category is listed above the “Men’s Fashion” on the left panel of the website under categories. The reason why “Men’s Clothing” has been given the second spot is that the traffic in the shopping industry is dominated by females and they tend to spend longer times when browsing for products due to the gatherer instinct as we discussed previously. Also, the Women’s category has more sub-categories than the Men’s section. This offers us an opportunity to increase sales by including a wide variety of products for women under the clothing niche. We have crafted some ideas below that you can use for choosing clothing products for your store.
When you are just starting up your new dropshipping business, the best approach is to limit your offerings and not include each and everything to your store. This reduces the clutter of products that are not even relevant to your store, narrow down your niche to only a few selected subcategories. This will save you time and avoid exhausting your customers browsing for a product that they can’t find.
Select products that have a higher rating and were bought more frequently by others. This ensures that you are providing a good quality product to your end customer.
We all are aware of the ongoing and upcoming seasons that drive the shopping behavior of consumers. Do not offer winter products during summer and vice versa. In Dropshipping you do not need to worry about stockpiling, which happens during the end of a season when sales drop. Offering your customers seasonal clothes can greatly improve sales and satisfaction levels.
This is tricky when your target audience is segregated all over the world. You can watch out for the ongoing trends that become popular among consumers. Observing people for their dressing behavior on social media could give you an idea of the trends that are circulating around. Teenagers often copy the trends from fashion models or musicians and actors.
People love to dress for various reasons; The first is a necessity that everybody needs to dress, the second is social acceptance where people dress to impress and be included in the part of a certain social group. You can also offer your consumers various accessories to improve their identity like belts, wallets, sunglasses, watches. Remember not to overdo it to avoid cluttering and only products that match with the trends should be included.
These are some of the ideas that you can use while filtering out and select the best clothes and accessories for your dropshipping business on AliExpress. We also offer a highly converting pre-built store with a curated list of products that your customers will love to purchase.
To know more about dropshipping, refer to these articles
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